With 35 million euros, 99 infrastructure projects will be realized in 75 municipalities, Suto Orizari received 1 million euros

The spokespersons of the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Muamet Hoxha and Dushko Arsovski, at today's press conference presented details of the decision for redistribution of the money from the concessionaire TAV, which were intended for construction of a cargo airport in Stip, and now they will finance projects across the country.
As Arsovski pointed out, the realization of 99 infrastructure projects in 75 municipalities starts with 35 million euros.
It is about the realization of infrastructure projects that will improve the quality of life of the citizens. The money is intended for construction of water supply networks, fecal and atmospheric sewage, reconstruction of local roads, completion of kindergartens, reconstruction of primary and secondary schools, water tanks, water supply systems and other projects.

Over 1 million euros will be given to: Suto Orizari, Stip, Chair, Strumica, Tetovo, Kicevo, Struga for projects that will improve the quality of life of citizens.
The City of Skopje will have at its disposal over 6 million euros for two projects: the Momin Potok interchange and the Karposh bridge.
Any positive difference between the projected and the construction price will be paid to a special account of the General Secretariat of the Government and the money will be used for cleaning the lindane from the OHIS factory.

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