Roma Punk

Romani punk is a hybrid music genre that transcends traditional Roma music with punk rock. One of the first rock bands to combine elements of punk and Roma music was Motherhead Bug, which was active mainly in the early 1990s. The general public became acquainted with the genre after the band Gogol Bordello released the album Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike, with frontman Evgenij Hatz describing their performance as a "Roma punk cabaret". Roma punk bands usually combine rock rhythm and instrumentation with more traditional gypsy instruments, such as drums, tambourines, accordion, lute, trumpet and saxophone. Roma punk is not full of Roma culture, but there is a lack of it. The Roma, through their connections to Western punk influence, created music that enabled those who played to express themselves and create an identity. Popular Roma punk bands are: Bad Buka, The Hatters, Bohemian Betyars, Outrage, The Kava Kings, The Urban Voodoo Machine, Gogol Bordello and others

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