Serious incident in Vranje: A handicapped child of Roma nationality entered classes and was beaten!

In the special school "Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj" in the village Masurica on Thursday, October 8, a serious incident occurred where the husband of a teacher attacked a student in the middle of the class, according to the information on the portal Info Vranjske.
According to the information, the husband of the teacher MS rushed into the classroom and beat a Roma child with developmental disabilities, while screaming and begging not to be beaten.
This scandal could not go unnoticed and the principal of this school Jasmina Blagojevic and the police came to the scene. The pedagogue also talked to the child's parents.
After this event, they gathered from the Roma settlement in front of the school and expressed their revolt, but the school principal kicked them out.
She herself did not want to make a statement about this event.
At the same time, on the occasion of this incident, miraculously, it did not become widespread, and the police, the school inspectorate, the local government and the ministry did not respond.


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