EU: Roma equality failed

The current strategy of the European Union for integration of its largest ethnic minority, Sinti and Roma, ie people of Roma origin - has failed. After ten years of special policy for the Roma, the relevant EU Commissioner for European Values, Vera Jurova, this week pulled out a depressing balance. "Honestly, we have not done enough in the last ten years," Jurova said in Brussels. "Permanent discrimination against 6.3 million Roma in EU member states is an ugly scar on the European conscience," Jurova said. This should change now, announced the European Commissioner. With a new ten-year plan, the authorities in Brussels want to make the member states provide the Sinti and Roma with the same living conditions, education and rights as other citizens.
The focus is no longer on "integration" but on "inclusion" and equal participation of Roma, the European Commission said in a strategic document.
Anti-Gypsyism is a special form of racism and hatred that is still accepted in many European societies, accuses EU Equality Commissioner Helena Dali, who presented the new initiative in Brussels.
Criminalization and marginalization of Roma must not happen anymore. For example, 52% of all French people feel extremely uncomfortable in the neighborhood of Roma or travelers. This was shown by a study by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
EU Commissioner Jurova said she was shocked by visits to Slovak villages with Roma because many people did not have access to toilets or water.
Members are required to be legally bound to implement the strategy. The EU Commissioners did not go that far. In the next ten years, they are directed to the good will of the EU members. Only "minimum goals" should be defined in the Roma strategy. If members do not reach them, no sanctions are envisaged.

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