Macedonia: Only ten Roma children from socially vulnerable families will be cared for in Veles kindergartens this fall

The project for care of children in kindergarten of Roma nationality who are from socially vulnerable families in kindergartens in Veles continues this school year 2020/21, and is implemented in cooperation with the Municipality of Veles and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
At the moment, as she explained, they are working to find children who meet all these criteria, and are from socially vulnerable families.
Informs that all nine kindergartens, six of which in Veles and one each in Karaslari, Gradsko and Caska according to the protocols for care is a total of 723 children. Of these, the number of registered children who currently need care is 546 children. In total, he said, 414 children come daily to all nine facilities.
Asked if new children can be enrolled in kindergarten, Velinovska said that the priorities are taken on the basis of two employed parents and single parents, who according to her are completely taken care of in kindergarten.

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