Europe gives money to Bulgarian police to "discipline" Roma, not gives to hopeless Roma from Vojvodinovo

The photo shows a grandmother with her grandchildren! These are not refugees or migrants. These are Bulgarian citizens - Roma, who were expelled from their home in Vojvodinovo.
According to Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov, they are the number one enemy in Bulgaria. The Roma from Vojvodinovo were a threat to Bulgaria.
The event of January 8, 2019, according to Karakachanov, two "Gypsies" beat a police officer-specialist for unexplained reasons. And immediately Karakachanov imposed a collective punishment for all Roma to be expelled from Vojvodinovo. General Shivikov brought a whole detachment to carry out the action against those Roma from Vojvodinovo.
Despite the reactions of the international community, and the NGO sector, to this day (after 20 months) Karakachanov is not prosecuted and carefully guarded by the prosecution and the Commission for Protection of Discrimination, although there are enough articles in the Criminal Code, which could to be tried.
Therefore, in 2019, there were protests in Sofia, Brussels, Ghent, The Hague, Scarbeck, Koblenz, Pilsen for 3 months, to protect these people from Vojvodinovo and the Roma in Bulgaria.
It takes great political courage and responsibility to talk about this issue.
And from January 2019 we come to October 2020, when some of the Bulgarian MEPs vote to omit the text in the Resolution on Bulgaria, which states:
- regretting the atmosphere of Roma hostility in Bulgaria
- regret of the people forcibly expelled from their homes as a result of the protests in Vojvodinovo
- call for abolition of the educational segregation of Roma children
- Call for an end to hate speech and discrimination against Roma in connection with the Kovid-19 pandemic, during which only Roma settlements in Bulgaria were closed by the gendarmerie and police
The 17 Bulgarian MEPs in Brussels are silent on any issues related to the Roma issue and when one of them Dzambazki attacks the Roma, others quietly show solidarity with it, although they have publicly called on the Bulgarian citizens to differentiate themselves from this man.
9 of these 17 MEPs openly stood against the Roma in the voting in Brussels and supported the actions of Karakachanov in Vojvodinovo in January 2019
Brussels is Vojvodinovo, and Vojvodinovo is Brussels!

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