Syndrome or? "Steeling the torture of members of the Roma community"

The growing trend of right-wing parties and their ideology is expanding in Europe.
Semitism, anti-Gypsyism, police excessive use of force, ghettoization, discrimination in all walks of life, and the perfidious "invisible discrimination" hidden under the cloak of law, which is unfortunately a daily occurrence in the Roma community.
These developments are making the Roma community in a very problematic and difficult period, where the survival of the largest minority in Europe is being questioned.
Whether we like it or not, those in power in almost all EU member states are confronted daily with journalistic information about the violation of the basic human rights of the Roma community. When it comes to the territory of the Balkans, there is nothing with a better picture, and it is safe to say that there is a huge problem, from the implementation of all international resolutions, to the growing wave of vandalism against the Roma community.
The recent incident and the use of excessive police force in Bitola-Macedonia is just one example of how Roma are being treated.
Is this the end of the problem? No! After those events, we witnessed the spread of hate speech towards the Roma community through social networks, photos and sending threats to people who took part in the protests, pressure on the NGO sector by a certain Zoran Hristovski.
Is it time to be silent, or to raise our voice again!


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