Roma national heroes: Anton Facuna

Anton Facuna was born in 1920 in Sklabica, Slovakia and died in 1980 in Bratislava. He was trained by the US Strategic Services (OSS), which would be the embryo of what we now know as the CIA.
In 1941 he was sent as a Slovak soldier to fight in the Soviet Union, and then, in 1944, in Italy.
He often joined the enemy ranks as a spy, even though he knew that his true identity could be revealed.
Once, with a group of Slovak colleagues, they were captured by the Nazis and subjected to intense torture that caused them to admit what the group's hiding place was. Which caused the arrest of 4 members, but Fatsuna manages to save and continues as a partisan. According to several sources, he arrives in Budapest, Hungary, where he starts working as a musician to hide his identity and where he is said to have carried out a bomb attack.
He traveled as a "Lone Wolf" to the OSS base in Yugoslavia where he showed off his decoration for the killing of 25 German soldiers.
At the end of the war, the state government awarded him a Medal of Honor
From 1968-1972 he was the director of the Boutique company which is responsible for employing the Roma population and training them for better job training. The company closed the state.
In 1968, Facuna was the first president of the Slovak Roma Association and worked very hard to make a Roma-Slovak dictionary, but unfortunately did not finish it after picnic in 1980.

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