The Council of Europe has called on Bulgaria to end attacks and discrimination against Roma

Bulgaria has made progress in implementing the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, strengthened its anti-discrimination legislation, supported the education of Roma children and defended religious rights, according to Council of Europe experts. However, according to them, the legal framework regarding the realization of cultural, linguistic and participatory rights of minorities remains narrow, so the problems regarding secondary education for Roma and the quality of education remain, hate speech in public discourse often goes unpunished, the media report. .
Unfortunately, the situation with the right of persons from national minorities to participate in public affairs has deteriorated. Organizations representing the Turkish minority and many organizations working with and for Roma have ceased their activities with the National Council for Co-operation on Ethnic and Integrative Issues, deeming it ineffective. Authorities seek to promote tolerance, but their activities are regularly undermined by xenophobic, anti-Gypsy, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic statements by senior politicians, to which authorities often fail to respond. Hate speech sanctions remain isolated cases, say Council of Europe experts.
Roma continue to suffer from severe socio-economic inequality in education, housing and employment; they are still exposed to a high level of discrimination. There are problems with the transition of Roma children to secondary education and the quality of education for these children. Despite the legal framework prohibiting forced segregation, de facto segregation remains widespread and the actions of the authorities to remedy this situation are not sufficient, the Advisory Committee is of the opinion.
The Committee makes several recommendations for urgent action to the Bulgarian authorities: develop and implement a new comprehensive strategy for Roma inclusion by 2021, continue to focus on prioritizing Roma children 's access to education, expand the mediation program and combat against segregation. Expulsion of Roma from illegally occupied homes should be a last resort and in accordance with the principles of non-discrimination and proportionality. Authorities need to ensure that attacks and discrimination based on ethnic minority are indeed investigated and those brought to justice brought to justice.

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