Roma Life in Medjugmurie: "Only We Roma Are Always Blame for All Problems"

It is a reminder that there have been frequent accusations of abuse of Roma, and one of them is that social assistance is spent on intoxication.


What do the Roma from Piskorovets in Medjumurie do? They say that they are mostly involved in metal processing and processing. Some also collect secondary raw materials.


On allegations that Roma are involved in crime especially with drugs and weapons they say: “It's a lie. These are some people who spread such false information and complain to the mayor, but it's still a lie. We do not have the money to deal with such crime. These are the fabrications of some Croats from Medjumirje. Perhaps they are involved in such crime, and in order to divert attention, they invent such things.


As for the educational level of the Roma in that region, they say the children are being educated, and social workers have been informed if anyone does not attend school. Otherwise, about 20% of Roma are targeted as illiterate in that region, but most of them have completed primary and secondary education, but most of them are engaged in agriculture.



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