Ninoslav Jovanovic's - Malchani Barber. psychological Expertise Completed

Ninoslav Jovanovic better known as Malchanski Barber returns to Ni ни prison, where his forensic expertise was completed at the Special District Hospital of Belgrade Prison.


Jovanovic's expertise is made on suspicion of abduction and rape of 12-year-old Monica K. which lasted for almost a month and was made by order of a pre-trial judge from the Higher Court in Nis.


The findings and opinion will be forwarded to the court and prosecution investigating Jovanovic, who are not yet known to the public.


The forensic examiner should assess whether Jovanovic was calculable at the time of the abduction and during the police chase and generally about his psychological state.


For such offenses the minimum sentence is 10 years in prison and the maximum sentence is life imprisonment.



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