Roma Democratic Union: More than 10 Roma candidates to fight for comfortable parliamentary armchair

Samka Ibraimovski - PCER, Fata Osmanovska - SDSM, Asan F erat - SDSM, Amdi Bajram - SRM, Axel Ahmedovski - PDPR, Gege Demirovski, Demir Ismail Candidate from the Diaspora, Ljatifa Shikovska - SDSM, Erdjan Selimi -ROM, Samet Salievski – SDSM from Kumanovo , and maybe some new ones will float on the political scene and may be on the list of MPs of all IE's in the country and abroad.


It is still in the realm of calculations and speculation as well as strategies, but according to some announcements the battle for the parliamentary armchair will be interesting and fierce if these names emerge.


It will also be very interesting and uncertain for the positions of directors and heads of institutions and PEs.

The fight is like getting to a safer "pole position" on those lists from SDSM and VMRO DPMNE where these MP candidates would spend that "comfortable" four-year term of office (if there are no early elections)


Each of the aforementioned "characters" will have the task of presenting themselves as an "important factor" between the Roma and the wider population in order to reach the position of secure entry into the coalition,


They will also calculate which constituencies have the most chances. The uncertainty will continue until the lists are published by SDSM and VMRO DPMNE.


And where are the interests of the Roma people in all this? Are they the last on the agenda so far? "Wait for me to get on that list and defend personal and party interests, and for Roma to be the easiest with them" is the motto most candidates adhere to.


But one thing is for sure, your position is good if you are Roma as a people first.

Esapas at home and in the market never go out as you planned, says a comment by the Roma Democratic Union - RDS.

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