Government appeals to citizens arriving from crisis regions with Corona virus outbreak: "Call public health centers"

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia notifies all employees in state and local institutions and enterprises, primary, secondary and tertiary staff as well as all pupils and students that if they have traveled or live with someone who has traveled to the following countries / regions in the last 2 weeks : Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont regions of Italy, as well as the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Macau, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, do not need to come to work, school or university and and inform the institution, company and educational institution and immediately call the contact points in the Bitola Public Health Centers - 071 / 261-330, Veles - 071 / 219-278, Gevgelija - 078 / 545-444, Kocani - 071 / 373-913, Kumanovo - 070 / 215-851, Ohrid - 070 / 723-029, Prilep - 076 / 475-747, Skopje - 071 / 289-614, Strumica - 072 / 235-543, Tetovo - 075 / 240-464, Gostivar - 076 / 365-161, Stip - 078 / 365-613, and the Institute of Public Health - 078 / 387-194, as well as Alo Doctor - 02 / 15-123.


By fulfilling this obligation, citizens will help gather relevant information about the condition of the coronavirus so that institutions can respond in a timely and effective manner.


The Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia calls for the maximum personal responsibility of each employee of the institutions, parents of children in the educational process and all citizens, to achieve the maximum protection of each individual and public health, as well as to follow and practice the recommendations of Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.

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