An American photographer documents the invisible life of Roma

When Michael Damanti, a US photographer, moved to Madrid five years ago, with his Spanish wife and two children, he expected to make many new friends in the new city.


But what he didn't think was that he would meet a group of people who would have a profound impact on his daily life and work.


Damanti made an excellent set photograph of a group of people who at best are invisible to society, and at worst a common target of abuse.


The friendship strengthened, once called to dinner with the family as they prepared her in a cardboard hut under the bridges where they lived.


He even made them a birthday party concept, as soon as he realized that most of them did not even know how old they were, not birthday celebrations.


As a result, Damanti became the biggest supporter of Roma rights.


"In the beginning I was only involved in making interesting photography, but it also revived my own life. I was looking forward to photographing the people of Sol, but I didn't expect them to like me so much. That's why I want to help them as much as I can, by raising awareness of their marginalization or just wearing their clothes.


More photos of Michael Damanti can be found at the following link

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