Young Roma woman journalist and actor Sindjerela Bobaric: My friend did not let me in the apartment, because I am a Roma woman!

Sinindela Bobaric, 28, from Zagreb, says she often feels rejected by others in Croatia. It does not confront prejudice only during schooling, but also in everyday life.

I had a friend from the neighborhood who told me that I can no longer come to him at home because his grandmother told him that he can not socialize with Roma, said Sinjedela Bobaric.

Besides being a journalist and actor in the editorial board of, she also works in the Roma National Council as an assistant to European projects.

- Togan as a child all these prejudices had a great influence on me and in my self-esteem. I was emotionally injured and did not know what the word Gypsy meant. I asked my mom what that meant. Then I realized that this is actually when there are people who do not want to accept you, and that it is always necessary to try twice as hard to prove exactly the sport of what they consider you.



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