A rare interesting Roma attraction in the world - the city of Soroca in Moldova

The town of Soroca in Moldova is one of the most unusual tourist attractions in the world - and as if it were not when it has its own Bolshoi Theater, Capitol Hill and St. Peter's Basilica

It is normal that it is only for replicas, that is megalomaniac houses and villas that were inspired to be in appearance as the most glorious world examples of architecture.

Soroca is an unusual city named as the throne of the Roma, even has its own king.

Arthur Baron Cerari is the local "king" of the Roma who is the leader of his community and has his own impressive palace.

At the same time, he is an advisor to the Moldovan president on Roma issues.
This man has more talents - a lot of instruments, including harmonica and clarinet, and speaks eight languages.

Link: https://www.index.hr/magazin/clanak/red-kica-red-tresa-prijestolnica-roma-jedna-je-od-najbizarnijih-turistickih-atrakcija-na-svijetu/889834.aspx


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