Will a non-working day be declared for Pope Francis visit?

Nothing must be left to chance, because the state will take all the security measures at the highest level for the visit of Pope Francis on May 7th this year, which makes it unofficially announced that the government could declare a non-working day. Officially, they say that the public will be informed in time.

The rigorous Vatican protocols impose an organization for visiting high-ranking statesmen with strict security controls in Skopje. All healthcare institutions will only work for urgent cases, because according to the protocol for visiting such persons, all health facilities should be available.
Police and state institutions will have full control of the movement of all people in the parts where Pope Francis will move during his ten-hour visit.
The Ministry of Interior says they are taking all necessary measures to fully and effectively ensure this historic event for Macedonia.

At the Mass with the Pope only with tickets
The main event from the visit of Pope Francis to Macedonia will be the Mass at the city square. However, not everyone can come to this event. The entire city square, with all the approaches to it, will be enclosed with separate entry points. Only those who will previously provide tickets that are free will be able to attend the event. The tickets will, practically, mean the records of everyone on the square.

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