DW: How do Roma really live in Europe?

Roma are the largest ethnic minority in the Old Continent. They live in Europe for over 7 centuries.

Today, around 12 million Roma live in Europe and they are the largest ethnic minority on the Old Continent. Half of them in the European Union. In Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, there are mostly Roma, while there are relatively few in Croatia and Poland.

Only questions are at stake, as many Roma people are silent about their true background because of fear of discrimination. In Serbia, for example, only 108,193 out of a total of 600,000 Roma say so. In Macedonia, however, the percentages say that 197 thousand Roma live, while 53 879 people reported on the last census as members of this ethnic community.

Roma in the countries of central and southeastern Europe mainly live in poverty. Their chances for work are minimal, almost none, and are often exposed to discrimination and physical attacks.

Link: https://www.dw.com/mk/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE-48221126?

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