An Italian teenager opposed the fascists who protested against the Roma

A 15-year-old boy who opposed extreme right-wingers during the protests won sympathies in Italy.

A boy named Simeone was shot on Tuesday defending national minorities during protests by far right-wing activists in Rome.
They protested against the migration of 70 Roma to shelters in the region. While one of the leaders of the neo-fascist party "CasaPound" told reporters that the locals did not want the Roma, Simeone raised his hand intervened with the words "I do not agree with you"

- What you are doing here in Torre Mauri is the exploitation of the frenzy of people here in my neighborhood. You turn that anger into your voices and your interests. If a Roma enters my house and steals, they will all go out in the streets to protest against all Roma. But if an Italian gets into my house and steals people, they will be silent.
I do not come across that you always attack minorities.

The video footage of Simeone became a virtual hit for several hours and released all Italian and several world media. Some novelties have also been described as "a new hero on the left"

Otherwise, in the video of the protests published by "La Repubblica", the demonstrators showed how they threw food destined for the Roma, and voices are heard as someone yells: "They must starve!"

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