Starting February 1, 2020, it is an honor to be a resident of Rijeka. Not only because this Croatian city has become the European capital of culture, but because of the city's spirit of decadence, a struggle for equality, solidarity and support for diversity as well as anti-fascist determination for decades.
And what else can be expected of a city that is mentally incompatible with the state it belongs to, nor with those in its surroundings. The town where Croats, Serbs, Italians, Albanians, Bosniaks, Czechs, Hungarians, Montenegrins, Slovaks, Roma, Macedonians and Slovenians continue to live together. In peace and harmony under the watchword of the song "Bella Chao"
For these reasons, Croatian politicians who propagated hate speech that was taken out of naphthalene during the 1990s gave the Rijecans a lesson they will never forget, even though they were not present at the time.
In the end what to say all bro Rijecani. You have shown them that they can be otherwise, human and anti-hate, which again threatens to blind us.