How active were the two Roma MPs Amdi Bajram and Samka Ibraimovski on the parliamentary stage?

The Member of Parliament shall have the right and the duty to attend the sessions of the Assembly and to participate in the work and decision-making.


For this engagement, given in direct elections by the citizens, the MP receives a net salary, also from the citizens, in the amount of about 1200 euros, or about 60 thousand euros during one term. But how many of them honor these obligations?


That is why everybody, even those who rarely appear in the Parliament, regularly raise their MPs 'salaries every month, secured by the citizens' money.


According to the "My MP" report no. 22 for the period July - December 2019, the Roma MPs were present at the parliamentary sessions of the two Roma MPs, Amdi Bajram and Samka Ibraimovski.


In the period July-December 2019, the MP Amdi Bajram was present 37 times, justified absent 12 times and unjustified 6 times. Otherwise he went out and asked parliamentary questions 6 times


The MP Samka Ibraimovski was present for 55 sessions without leave in the same period. Otherwise he has come up twice with regard to parliamentary questions.

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