National Party of Roma NPR- the new political entity on the Macedonian political scene

A few days ago Gege Demirovski edited a photo on his social network FB that shows that a request for registration of a party under the name of the National Party of Roma NPR has been submitted to the Skopje Civil Court.

This means that the National Party of Roma NPR is in fact a new political entity on the Macedonian political scene. If that enrollment is completed, it is likely that the NRP will take part in the next preliminary elections scheduled for April 12.

According to Gege Demirovski, the NRP is a New Party that will enlighten your future. Will the NPR really be a new promising Roma political factor?

There is also optimism among Roma supporters of the NPR that this party will bring a new positive direction.

Otherwise, according to NPR information, its president is Gege Demirovski, while well known and experienced names are included in the presidency. Among them are Agush Demirovski, Dilsen Alijevski, Ismail Rasim, Sherafedin Sefer.

Soon it is expected that this new political entity will be officialized and the Macedonian public will soon find out. Apart from Skopje where the headquarters will be, they plan to set up their own branches in Veles, Kumanovo, Bitola and Prilep.

Let it only be for positive and positive moments.

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