Hungarians protest Orban's anti-Roma campaign

Hungary's nationalist prime minister, who has been criticized by the EU for violating the rule of law, has suggested that the state be "deaf" to a court ruling to pay damages to Roma children in the village of Jongjonshapati, where he provided training instead.


More than 2,000 Hungarians along with Roma families and NGOs protested this weekend against Prime Minister Viktor Orban's anti-Roma campaign, carrying banners "The future is not built on hatred" and "No one is above the law".


Orban noted that "the court ruling on segregation excited the public by prescribing large sums of pay for some Roma".

The lawyers responded that Orban violated human rights.

By Sunday, nearly 500 psychologists had signed on to a petition against a government campaign that motivated hatred of Roma and other citizens.

Otherwise, Roma in Hungary make up 5 to 7% of the total Hungarian population.



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