Social pensions are undergoing registration, including those without a day job

Interested citizens for exercising the right to a social pension in the amount of about 6,000 denars are already contacting the social welfare centers throughout the country in order to inform them what kind of documents they need to be able to exercise this right.

All persons who are citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia have been entitled to compensation for at least 15 years and do not receive an old-age pension, including persons without a day job.

For households in which both men and women fulfill the conditions for using social security, the fee will be used by only one member because it is a right to social protection and is not related to pension and disability insurance, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy .

Citizens can exercise the right to social security for the elderly if they do not own property and property rights from which they can be supported, if they are not beneficiaries of pensions from the Republic of Northern Macedonia or type of payment based on age, disability or experience of another state did not realize income on all bases in the last three months before submitting the request.

The right to a social pension can not be realized by a person who with a decision of the Center for Social Work is placed for more than 30 days in an institution for extra-family social protection, a health or other institution.

The beneficiary of a social pension is entitled to a cash allowance for covering part of the cost of energy consumption in the household for the months from October to March.

The beneficiary of the right to social security for the elderly is also provided the right to health care, in accordance with this Law and the regulations in the field of health insurance, if he can not acquire insurance on another basis.

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