Are the incompetent rulers in our country?

Some said that when incompetent people would have their own country, it is definitely instead of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to be called the Incompetent Republic of Macedonia

So beautiful a piece of land, with a beautiful nature, with huge resources, incredible opportunities, and putting it to live so incompetent people is simply incredible.

Is this a reflection of the fact that everything that was capable, educated, intelligently, wisely left Macedonia and does not live here, leaving them in an incompetent space and time even more to destroy and expel those who are little capable and smart who remained .

For 27 years we have incompetent politicians, incompetent ministers, incompetent managers, incompetent executives,

If we try to remember how many prime ministers, ministers, mayors, directors, politicians, businessmen, managers who have been in managerial positions in Macedonia through these 27 years, we will see that it is a huge number of people, and if we remember how many of them had results and we remember them well, the number would be one-digit.

But because you are a functionary and, while being elected by the party, then you are allowed everything, to have no results, not to go to work, to boycott the work, to keep accounts, to walk around the world at a public expense, to make losses and to have insufficient working. Therefore, the same characters will be returned all the time to functions, today is a minister, tomorrow mayor, tomorrow director of a public enterprise and so all the time round.

It's just unbelievable how so incompetent people manage to continuously occupy all the places and managerial functions in all spheres of Macedonia, how they manage to hold on to them and rule how to get the best results.
Finally, we should conclude that in resolving the name dispute, instead of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, it should have been - The Republic of Macedonia was incapable.


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