Who can become a German citizen?

The German Bundestag reformed the law on citizenship. Allegedly to offer modern responses to new challenges. In reality, the reform reflects a deep indifference crisis in the country.

The debate about citizenship is again flared up. The last occasion in the Bundestag is the adopted amendments, which are undoubtedly needed in order to comply with the current spirit of the times and which supporters are trying to present as understandable by themselves.

Indeed, it is rarely anyone to question that people who have given incorrect or incomplete data during naturalization can rightly be deprived of their German citizenship, it remains a question of whether they are up to five or ten years later.

It is more problematic that in the future German citizenship can be taken away from people who are born Germans. But since this applies only to those who fought abroad on the side of terrorist militia abroad, and only then if they have other citizenship, it would be acceptable for the majority of the citizens in the country.

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