Roma are the largest and most discriminated minority

Serbia is negotiating a new 21m-euro IPA IPA program that will be used mainly for housing, said at the conference "The Decade of Roma Inclusion"

Roma are now the largest ethnic minority in Europe, and it is estimated that between 10 and 12 million euros are on the continent.

Therefore, the process of their social inclusion should not be left solely to individual countries, but it must be the work of the European Union as a whole, said the Regional Conference on the Results of the Decade of Roma Inclusion Dalibor Nakic, President of the National Council of the national minority in Serbia.

At the meeting in the "Serbia" palace entitled "heritage, experience, best examples, and what is next?", Some of the topics discussed were in the fight against discrimination, the social inclusion of Roma, the position of the Roma woman in society and family, education and employment, housing, health and a healthy family environment ...

There were more than 120 representatives of institutions and organizations, as well as domestic and international

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