How the Roma from Macedonia work: "For Roma only human" crumbs "

VMRO dropped, SDSM takes power! From 2017 onward, SDSM and DUI are leading "the main word in the country. On all sides "shuffle" slogans "Equal society for all"
And see a miracle, really - Equal society for all! For everyone who is SDSM and DUI! But by their profile!

Pre-election promises were given with "full mouth," and now the chewed promised words (places) have settled down in those "hungry" for power, and "other" valet will wait ever and nowhere!

And we are aware that participation in the ethnic key is not always a guarantee for realizing the needs of the community. It is desirable that there be a Roma in the executive power in an important position, especially if the appointed official works really on problems that concern the Roma community.

Aware of this and the community itself that this is not the most important thing! If it does not work, what's important is it Roma? There was a small million and such cases!

And what would a friend of mine say - a Roma reporter in his column: "The current Roma representatives in the past period were busy clearing up personal or party problems. And while Roma people have been "amused" on social networks, let's not say that they have been seated, during Facebook's postponements, the deadline for negotiating the appointment of deputy ministers has already passed! "

And my friend was right! And now what are we doing?

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