
At the Faculty of Philology in Skopje, the Network for Systematic and Permanent Solutions marked the International Day of the Roma Language on November 5 with an academic class "Promotion of the Roma Language and Literature"

Today at the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" in Skopje, in preparation for the International Day of the Romani Language, RDICM and the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions of the Roma Community in the Republic of Macedonia, supported by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, marked this significant day.

After singing the Macedonian and Roma anthems and showing a small documentary about the Roma language, Agim Nuhiu gave his welcoming speech. Deputy Min. in MES. Ljatifa Shikovska MP in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology prof. Vladimir Martinovski as well as network coordinator Zoran Dimov.

During the academic class led by Daniel Petrovski, M.Sc., M.Sc. Sevdia D. Abdulova and special lecturer Dr. Sumi Yusuke from Japan.

They talked about how to find the best way to formalize and open a department of Romani language at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje and to promote the Romani language and literature." After the lecture, a discussion was opened on these topics.

At the end of the event, ten plaques were awarded to individuals and institutions that made an effort to give their full contribution to the promotion and advancement of the Romani language. The organizer also made an effort to have an exhibition performance through visual banners, the content of which is the history of the meaning of the Romani language, which will remain in the hall until next week so that UKIM students can get to know the Romani language and literature better.

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The rash of Roma children in the educational system in the Republic of North Macedonia

According to the data of the State Statistics Office, at the beginning of the 2022/2023 school year, the number of students in regular elementary schools is 185,099, which represents a decrease of 0.8% compared to the previous school year.

But for the Roma population in the Republic of Macedonia, that number is even more alarming. In primary education, the achievements of Roma students are worryingly low, proven by international tests. In 2015, the average score of 384 points in science, compared to 493 points in the OECD countries (OECD, 2016), indicates that students at the age of 15 from our country are four years behind their peers from the OECD countries.

An additional challenge in primary education is the lack of content in textbooks that would promote multicultural/intercultural education. The challenges outlined in the concept of primary education affect Roma students doubly. According to the 2017 UNDP regional Roma survey, the enrollment of Roma children in primary education is 78% compared to 88% of non-Roma.

The exact number of Roma students who are outside the education system is unknown. A large percentage of dropouts, that is, dropping out of education, and the low level of literacy among children of Roma ethnicity are also evident. The most common reasons for this situation are: the insufficient knowledge of the Macedonian language, the low level of education of the parents and the poor socio-economic situation of the family.

An example in primary education for Roma students at the state level


  I class

















































Note: The data are from the State Statistics Office of the Republic of Macedonia

According to the data in the first grade in the last 4 years, an average of about 1468 children are enrolled, while in the ninth grade, an average of about 670 students are registered. These data show a decrease in the number of children from one school year to another school year by about 6%.

There are several reasons for this: emigration of Roma families to Western European countries, lack of personal documentation, segregation even in the earliest stages of education and in some parts of the country and lack of organized or public transport from Roma settlements (which are usually far away from educational institutions).

In addition, during 2020, the realization of online teaching caused the difficulty of the educational process for Roma children. Many Roma children who are part of families at social risk were not able to attend classes due to the fact that they did not have electronic devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) and internet network. According to the Regional Roma Survey, 42% of Roma have access to a computer compared to 72% of non-Roma.

Some of the textbooks are outdated and contain stereotypes, prejudices, stigmatization and they lack elements of coexistence, respect for diversity, integration, multiculturalism, which is further complicated by the demotivating legislation for making and revising textbooks.

In the context of raising the level of education in primary education, the Roma community also needs to improve secondary education. It is necessary to implement without delay the decision regarding the quotas for enrollment of Roma high school students, i.e. extra points. The same remark is in studying.

Otherwise, in this context, I would not mention the contribution of the Roma political bloc and Roma leaders, because their capacity and political power is equal to zero. So far, not a single example has shown any movement forward, especially not in the field of education among the Roma community.











"The state opened an announcement for educational mediators, and there is no place for "Pedagogical assistants" who are very universal!"

At the invitation of the Roma editorial staff at MRTV "Biandipe", the president of ARBICM Zoran Dimov had his guest appearance. The topic of the conversation was "Pedagogical assistants", a project implemented by the ARBICM several years ago, from which, as its provider, came professional staff who are trained and certified to help children students of primary education who have difficulties in mastering the school material.

The teaching assistants themselves, apart from being in coordination with the children, they are also in coordination with the schools where the children study and also with their parents. They also visit the children in their homes and together they try to master the material that the children have difficulties with during the lessons.

Otherwise, Pedagogical assistants go through professional training, and then pass and obtain diplomas with the same title. They can immediately be more competitive on the labor market.

But unfortunately, for the time being, the state seems to be oblivious to this group, because several years ago, the Ministry of Education and Culture opened competitions for the training of educational mediators who, in truth, have a smaller episodic role - in contrast to the Pedagogical Assistants, who have a more universal and essential role in providing help to schoolchildren.

At the link below, you can stream the entire show from Zoran Dimov's guest appearance




Alvin Salimovski, director at Primary School"Brothers Ramiz - Hamid": We break the stereotypes that Roma children do not study

There are stereotypes that the Roma population does not study enough. Our mission is exactly that, to break these stereotypes, says Alvin Salimovski, director of the school "Brothers Ramiz - Hamid" where 90 percent of the students are Roma.

With more than 2,000 students, almost 80 classes and 121 teachers, in grade and subject teaching, the school "Brothers Ramiz - Hamid" from the Skopje municipality Shuto Orizari is one of the largest elementary schools in the country.

"The mission of this school, first and foremost, is quality education," says Alvin Salimovski, director of "Brothers Ramiz - Hamid".

Salimovski says that the main goal is to make it easier for the students to follow the lessons.

"Many reconstructions have been done in this school, with one goal - to make the students feel the school as their home."

However, even this school is not immune to the trend of emigration that applies to the entire country and which leads to a decrease in the number of students.

"There are many families who have gone abroad, stay in a foreign country for a few months, then return to our school again. So other families go. But yes, lately the number of students has decreased precisely because of going abroad."

One of the challenges the school faces is that some of the parents do not enroll their first-graders in the scheduled May enrollment period.

"And they come in August, in September." That number is changing. However, the number of first-graders this year, and three years ago, ranges from 250 to 300 first-graders". However, there are also students who stop attending classes. The most common reasons for this are the lack of permanent residences, as well as family departures for seasonal work across the country or abroad. To overcome that problem, the school is sending teachers to talk to the parents, as a first step in getting those children back in school.

"The teachers go, visit the home, have a conversation with the parents, if they are here. If we manage to return them to education, then we have succeeded. If not, then in that case we also send the educational mediators."

In the government strategy for the inclusion of the Roma 2022-2030, it is indicated that a lower degree of success is observed among some students. The head of "Ramiz Hamid Brothers" indicates that the financial situation of the families plays a big role in this. "If the parents are unemployed, they don't have the opportunity to provide their children with everything they need for school, this is where a problem arises. In our school, we also have students who come from very poor families."

Alimovski believes that one of the solutions for this situation is to provide students with appropriate conditions.

"We as teachers cannot change the student's home, but we can change the classroom."

According to the Roma Inclusion Strategy, there is no accurate data on the number of Roma children in the country who are outside the educational process. From "Ramiz Hamid Brothers" they consider that this number is small for them, but they send the main message to the parents.

"We try to inform and show parents that education is one of the most important links in life."



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