"The state opened an announcement for educational mediators, and there is no place for "Pedagogical assistants" who are very universal!"

At the invitation of the Roma editorial staff at MRTV "Biandipe", the president of ARBICM Zoran Dimov had his guest appearance. The topic of the conversation was "Pedagogical assistants", a project implemented by the ARBICM several years ago, from which, as its provider, came professional staff who are trained and certified to help children students of primary education who have difficulties in mastering the school material.

The teaching assistants themselves, apart from being in coordination with the children, they are also in coordination with the schools where the children study and also with their parents. They also visit the children in their homes and together they try to master the material that the children have difficulties with during the lessons.

Otherwise, Pedagogical assistants go through professional training, and then pass and obtain diplomas with the same title. They can immediately be more competitive on the labor market.

But unfortunately, for the time being, the state seems to be oblivious to this group, because several years ago, the Ministry of Education and Culture opened competitions for the training of educational mediators who, in truth, have a smaller episodic role - in contrast to the Pedagogical Assistants, who have a more universal and essential role in providing help to schoolchildren.

At the link below, you can stream the entire show from Zoran Dimov's guest appearance

Video: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=5ZACRGVZc1fB6g1MyQLZj5jNZQXa79f1OFQHAtj4ru2fSwF6vPW87



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