
The President of ARBICM, Zoran Dimov, expressed his great gratitude to the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia in Skopje, HE Henrik Markus, for the realization of the project "Pedagogical Assistants".

As part of the activities of the Roma Business Information Center in Macedonia and the successful implementation of the project - Training for new Teaching Assistants, its president Zoran Dimov had a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia in Skopje, HE Henrik Markus.

The purpose of this meeting, which took place at the Embassy of Slovakia, was to express great gratitude to Ambassador Markus for the selfless financial assistance from the Slovak Government for the implementation of the project "Pedagogical assistants" for helping children in primary education, which as an implementer and provider the training is ARBICM.

From this training came 10 new Pedagogical Assistants, as staff who, with the acquired certificates, carry out activities and work with children from primary schools, who have difficulties in mastering the school material.

During the meeting, Zoran Dimov expressed his gratitude to the Slovak ambassador Markus, for the selfless financial support in the implementation of the project.

On that occasion, Dimov presented him with a special plaque - a thank you card. During this meeting, Ambassador Markush expressed his satisfaction that they helped in the implementation of the trainings, and mentioned that they considered this project important, precisely because it is one of the most marginalized communities both in the world and in Macedonia, and it is the Roma community.

He mentioned that in the future the Slovak Embassy is ready to help in similar projects that are closely related to the Roma community.

R.N Macedonia: From tomorrow the school year 2023/2024 starts, for the first time there will be a spring break

The 2023/2024 school year will begin on September 1 and will last until June 17, said the Minister of Education and Science, Jeton Shaqiri at today's press conference.

According to the decision made at a government session, all primary and secondary school students will have a spring break for the first time, which will last from April 29 to May 5, a practice which the minister says is applied in several European countries and which, according to teachers and professional services, will bring better results.

Regarding textbooks, most of the textbooks for primary education that have been approved, as well as the new textbooks for the third grade, have already been delivered to schools. The remaining part, mostly the new textbooks for the sixth grade will be delivered immediately after they are approved by the Textbook Commission, and in the meantime, students will be served with auxiliary materials, which are available on the website of the Bureau of Education and Development.

Ten new Pedagogical Assistants thanks to the training conducted by ARBICM with financial support from the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Skopje

As in the past few years, this year as well, with training that started in May 2023, ARBICM implemented the "Pedagogical Assistants" project, to help children from primary schools. Candidates for these trainings acquire a Diploma with the occupation – Pedagogical assistants.

This year, ten candidates successfully passed the training, who have been attending it since May 2023, and with the start of the new school year, they will begin their activity as pedagogical assistants in mastering the school material of students who have difficulties in their learning. That activity will be carried out until the end of December 2023.

All these Pedagogical Assistants can then establish a working relationship and be hired by the primary schools themselves.

Otherwise, it should be noted that this training was conducted and financially supported thanks to the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of North Macedonia, which allocated funds for its implementation.

Mehrema Djukatani (20), is the first Roma woman to graduate from religious studies at the "Mehmet Fatih" Madrasa in Podgorica: My hijab is my crown

Mehrema Djukatani says that she found the interest and motivation for the Islamic high school in the everyday life of her family, friends and colleagues.

They recommended me a Madrasah and I thought and wanted to enroll, and I enrolled," says Mehrema. It was not easy, but the feeling after graduation was special, says Mehrema.

At one point I stopped and thought if it was possible to finish it and I was too proud of myself. And the parents were proud, especially my father."

Mehrema is now an example for other girls around her who are interested in following in her footsteps "and they ask me a lot how I achieved it and to give them advice, and good advice is easy to give".

From the age of six, she found out that she loved religion. Since then, she began to research and learn, but also to practice the postulates of Islam in her daily life.

"Thus I gained enough knowledge about the religion and I am still taking steps to seek more knowledge about my religion," adds Mehrema.







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