In Serbia, children still studying at school are "Gypsies"

Although they are well known and registered at the national and international level, the terminology "Gypsies" has been replaced since 1971 with the terminology "Roma", it is not used in many places and ways.

Proof of this is also in Serbia at the elementary school. Josif Pancic in Belgrade, where the teacher of the second grade students shared the story "The Gypsy and the Dynasty". The assumption is that the teacher wanted the children to share some texts that might emerge from such stories. But in that department there was one student of Roma nationality, and you might ask yourself, How did that child feel?

Just on the eve of April 8, the International Roma Day, instead of giving them the task of learning more about the Roma and eliminating the gypsy "Gypsies", so learn more about Jul Brinner, Charlie Chaplin, Roni Wood, Ava Gardner or Joaquin Cortes et al.
To what extreme is the growing stigmatization and anti-mood disposition. A typical example of this is this example from Serbia. So how long?

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