System solutions for solving Roma problems

Only 2.1 per cent of Roma children are involved in pre-school education in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, but this figure will increase.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy has refreshed the system, because all the reforms that we implement are mostly related to the poor citizens. "The Republic of Northern Macedonia has only 30% of children enrolled in pre-school education, which means a smaller number of Roma children included than 2 , 1 percent.

The positive effects that have been given so far by the implemented projects and the systematisation of some of them in state-funded public policies are the greatest proof that the achievements of Roma students are not lagging behind compared to other non-Roma students when they are provided with the necessary conditions and favorable opportunities for education.

According to him, the new strategy of the Roma Educational Fund, 2021-2030, is based on three strategic goals, ie good results from the learning and transition in the labor market and the public.

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