Announcement for enrollment of pupils in public high schools was announced

The competition for enrollment of pupils in public high schools for the 2019/2020 school year provides a total of 35,690 student places, 24,581 in Macedonian language, 10,123 in Albanian, 952 in Turkish and 34 in Serbian.

The number of students enrolled in the ninth grade in the school year 2018/2019 is 20,030 students.

For vocational education for a period of four years, 18,365 vacant places are envisaged, 5,490 vacant positions are for vocational education for three years, while 408 vacancies are foreseen for vocational education for two years. There are 10,713 free places for gymnasium education.

The first registration and enrollment of students is done on 17 and 18 June 2019.
The second registration and enrollment of students will take place on June 24 and 25, 2019.
The third registration and enrollment of students will be performed on July 1, 2019,
The competition is announced at


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