Schools throughout Macedonia are rapidly emptied: Every month, we leave a child in Germany, Switzerland, Italy

Numerous are the Macedonian schools where children are written out, and they go abroad together with their parents.

Some students have already left, and some have yet to announce that they will stop their education in Macedonia.

Such a problem exists in those settlements where there is a Roma population. Such cases are in the municipalities of Sh.Orizari, Gazi Baba. Gorce Petrov,
At the same time in Bitola, Stip, Prilep, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and other cities and municipalities throughout Macedonia

Illustratively, for example, in one of the schools in Bitola, where there were Roma pupils in the school year 2014/15, 59 students attended the classes, and two years later that number was 31 pupil Roma

In another school in 2012 there were 71, while in the school year 2016/17 that number was 43.

Similar cases with a reduction in the number is in the hundreds of municipalities, and it is evident that the number of students is smaller and smaller, because of their families abroad, mostly from economic insecurity and possibly "better tomorrow".

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