More than 50 percent of young people in Macedonia are illiterate

UNICEF emphasized that an education is needed which will give every child the best chance to develop his masculine potential at all stages of his life.

Otherwise, the literacy of the young people in Macedonia was debated for the first time due to the World Bank's economic report for the Western Balkans since 2017, when they came up with data that in Macedonia two thirds of the young population is functionally illiterate. Of the 70 ranked countries in the world, Macedonia is at the 68th place in front of Kosovo and the Dominican Republic.

The draft report also contains recommendations for reforming the national assessment, revising state matura as well as a functional system for professional and career development of teachers.

This analysis will be reflected and some of our views as a ministry and government will be re-examined in order to improve the education system. Part of our attitudes are incorporated in the draft version of the law on primary education, "said Arbr Ademi, Minister of Education and Science.


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