The academic title is still a taboo among Roma women

Girls and women from the Roma ethnic community from the state received favorable conditions for education and participation in the labor market. But for now, the figures show the opposite. The number of Roma women with secondary education has increased, but the faculty still seems to be a "taboo" in the Roma community. However, the situation is not so black as it was several decades ago, when in relation to education Roma women were synonymous with illiteracy. What is the reason why the small number of graduated Roma women in the last few years, when the state awards more than 100 student scholarships in one academic year with the goal of integrating Roma into the society through education.

According to the State Statistical Office data, at the end of the school year 2016/2017, there were 9,328 Roma students in primary schools throughout the country, of which almost half or 4,548 girls. It is striking that when it comes to continuing education. The Roma face the autostomy that they do not need anything more than "eight or nine departments".

Only 1,409 Roma students continued their secondary education in the same school year, of which only 622 girls. In the same school year, 305 Roma received a diploma for secondary education, of which 125 girls.

It is evident that Roma are the most numerous in primary education, and for secondary school they have begun to decide in the last decade motivated by state scholarships, which represent a great financial motive. And when we come to the faculty, he is a "luxury" among the Roma. In addition to this is the fact that in 2017 only 11 young Roma and 19 Roma boys graduated.

According to the SSO, a total of 82 Roma were enrolled in the last school year 2017/2018, and the greatest interest was for the Faculty of Philosophy and Medicine.

 According to the Annual Report on Public Sector Employees, published by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, in 2017, 1,270 were employed in the public sector, or 1,14% were Roma.

For the peaceful and harmonious development of society, it is necessary to respect the ethnic identity and interests of all citizens, and in this direction also the Roma. Every literate and, to a greater extent, an academic citizen of a Roma community is in favor of the society, which in turn should be committed to seizing the capacities of the educated and capable individuals by directing as much as possible a more productive collective.

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