High school students leave the school because they have no motivation for education

About 5% of young people aged 18 to 24 in BiH have completed a maximum of 2 grade high school, while in the EU countries the percentage is around 10.6%
The goal of the EU's strategy is that it should be 10% by 2020, according to the report on social inclusion in BiH for 2017.

The information from this report shows that the situation in the region in Montenegro is similar to that in BiH, while in Serbia and Macedonia there is a higher percentage of dropout in education than the one in BiH. In Serbia, that percentage is about 7% and in Macedonia 10%.

According to the report from the Directorate, the children most often leave school because they do not have enough interest and motivation without much support from the parents and a sense of security inside the family.

The most vulnerable category of children when access to education is access are children with special needs, socially vulnerable category and Roma children.

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