On June 29 at Hotel Continental, a spectacle to remember - Choosing an International Roma Beauty 2019

Only two more weeks remain until the announced spectacle in Skopje. In the summer ambience of the Hotel Continental in Skopje on June 29, this year starting at 20:30 will be held the traditional 27th edition of the Miss World's Most Beautiful International Romance Collection 2019.

As in the previous years, this organizer is SP BTR Productions.
According to announcements by the organizer this year, despite the demise of 15 girls from Russia, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Turkey and the Republic of North Macedonia.

Besides the parade of beauty, that evening there will be a rich fun music program with famous singing names, both from our country and from abroad, which I know which famous artistic names with their performances from the Russian Federation and from Italy.

At the same time, according to the organizer of this cultural manifestation due to the huge interest of the guests present, and the limited space, it is necessary to reserve the places in advance. They can do this at the telephone number ++ 389 (0) 2/2656 901. The entrance is 600 denars with a rich menu.

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