The film "Dara from Jasenovac", the world must hear about the truth of Ustasha crimes

At a press conference organized by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the project that can be freely named as one of the most significant in Serbian cinematography was presented by scriptwriter Natasa Drakulic, the director of the Film Center of Serbia Jelena Trivan, the girl who plays the role of Dara - Biljana Cekic, actor Marko Janketic.


As an expert consultant of Antonievich and one of the best connoisseurs of the Holocaust, a role played during the filming of this film and a connoisseur of the victims' casualties in the camps during the Nazi occupation by the government of NDH is also held by Dr. Michael Berenbaum, who also speaks of the beginning of the film "Dara from Jasenovac"


- What gives the strength of the film is the story of one person, a little girl. Through the fate of individuals, you see the terrible crimes and the terrible liquidation structure that affected the lives of those people, the families of national communities.


At the same time, he quoted a poet, saying: "The death of a child and the loss of endless possibilities, because if the child lives, he will become whatever he wants and that every suffering of the child is a tragedy for the future.

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