Salvini out of control: Insulting Roma exactly on Holocaust anniversary

Italy’s far-right interior minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to bulldoze the home of a woman he called a “dirty gypsy”. 

The racist outburst on Twitter came in response to a news report which showed the woman, who lives in a Roma camp in Milan, saying Mr Salvini deserved “bullets in the head”. 

Using the term "zingaraccia", which roughly translates into English as "dirty gypsy", Mr Salvini tweeted in Italian: "But is it normal for a gypsy woman in Milan to say, 'Salvini should be shot in the head?'"

"Be good, dirty gypsy, be good, for the bulldozer is arriving soon.” 

The comment was widely condemned in Italy, with some critics pointing out the tweet came on the eve of Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, a commemoration on 2 August to remember thousands of Romani and Sinti people murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz on that date in 1944.


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