History: Roma as slaves

Roma in Europe moved about 1100 and their trades, such as making tessile, weapons and the like, were used by Europeans. But because of the different language and the dark color of the cosset, the attitude towards the Roma changed.
Due to the frequent wars in Europe, many trade routes were closed, the military and the population were hard-fed, they began to rely more on a free labor force for cheaper food and goods production. In other words, the Roma turned them into slaves.
The oldest document mentioning the Roma as slaves was between 1331 and 1355, during the reign of the Austrian military leader Rudolf IV and the king of Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks and Albanians - Stefan Dushan, where one fifth of their Roma gave it to the monasteries and landowners.
Roma were divided as house slaves and slaves to work in the fields.
Otherwise Boyari (feudal aristocracy in Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Wallachia) were the most rigorous to their slaves. They had a special penal law where Roma beating on their feet was allowed until "meat hangs in towels". If they caught a fugitive, after ruthless whipping, they would place an iron bang around their necks with sharp spikes so that they could not move their head, and if they accidentally move up or fall asleep because those spikes around their necks would kill him.
In other parts of Europe, it was not so explicit the slavery of the Roma, but the situation may have been even worse. Pope Pius V tried in 1568 to embolden all Roma from that region under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Portuguese in the 17th and 18th centuries sent the Roma to their colonies in South America, Africa and India, while Portuguese King Ivan V developed obsessive hatred for the Roma and regularly sent them to Brazil and Angola without any charges against them.
In France, deportation decisions are from 1427, where they were initially only occasional, but from 1560, commands began to emigrate immediately to leave the country or to embark on galleries. King Louis XIV in 1682 gave orders that all Roma-moths in bands to embark on galleries, and women flog and be expelled from the kingdom without any form of trial.
Otherwise, in the German museum in Nordlingen - Nordlingen, many torture tortures used against Roma in Germany can be seen, as well as a poster showing Roma with fragmented skin and flesh from whipping, before they are taken to hanging, with the inscription "Punishment for Roma and Their Wives in this Country" The complete legal provision for the freedom of the Roma slaves, commonly known as the "Sloboda", where the European Roma people mention today, occurred in
1864th year. A coup and the government of the new Romanian state, under the leadership of Mikhail Kogalniceeanu, who represented the advanced wing, passed a law that abolishes slavery and domination and gave it the land to the peasants.

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