ERRC will ensure Roma tortured by Slovak police receive justice

The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) will provide legal assistance to Roma from Milhost, Slovakia who were physically abused by police officers while under arrest on 23 July 2019. Two Romani young men, aged 19, were arrested and severely beaten by police officers after they were detained at a local pub.

Three other women, including the mother and aunt of one of the men, were also physically assaulted in police custody after officers entered their home and attacked the family. A complaint has been filed by the victims with the police inspectorate.

The incident occurred after a police patrol was summoned to a pub at around 7:00 pm on 23rd July where the two Romani men were involved in a physical confrontation with the owner. The officers detained the two young Roma, put them in a police car, and beat them for the duration of the journey to the local police station in Čaňa.

The two men requested medical care for their injuries but were refused. They were later transferred for unknown reasons to Moldava nad Bodvou and then to Košice before returning to Čaňa where they were released on 24th July.


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