Meeting of the Union of Associations for the Integration of the Roma and presentation of the Protocol for cooperation in support of EU integrations.

Within the framework of activities of the Roma NGO sector and attempts at networking and formation of the idea of an Union of Roma integration in the EU, a Video ZOOM meeting was held today between several representatives of the Roma NGO sector. The following people took part in that video meeting: Sebihan Demirovski, Nadir Redzepi, Zoran Dimov, Nadire Selmani, Samet Skenderi, Kjmet Amet, Ahmet Jasharovski, Dilbera Kamberovska, Ferdi Ismail, Margita od Sonce, Erol Ademov and Ramush Muarem.

In that context, the following activities were discussed, including the Protocol for cooperation with Roma NGOs, to support EU integrations, which were developed by Sonce, RRC and Luludi. The Protocol was read and suggestions were made, and there was talk of signing that Protocol as an organization.

At the meeting, in addition to the Cooperation Protocol, the current developments as well as a plan and program for future action were discussed.

All those present at this Video meeting were unanimous in the need for the idea of such a Protocol with small additions and at the same time successful application and implementation.

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