The group "KAL" at a concert in "Laboratorium" in Skopje, the entrance is free.

As part of the regional tour "To the rhythm of Pishtaljka" created as part of the project "Sung Heroes: From the Margins to the Main Stage", with the support of the British Council on May 11, 2024 - Saturday starting at 19:00 in "Laboratorium" in Skopje

location (Saint Blvd. Clement of Ohrid 68, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) the group "Kal" will perform with a concert. Entrance is free. The concert will be preceded by a panel discussion related to the Roma population and culture supported by the British Council.

The project "Sung heroes: From the margins to the main stage" is realized within the framework of the project "Culture and creativity for the Western Balkans" financed by the European Union. The goal of this project is to improve dialogue in the Western Balkans by strengthening the cultural and creative sector and developing its potential for socio-economic impact in this region.

According to the schedule, after the discussion in Lab Cafe, a live concert by the group "Kal" will be organized.

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