The Forum for Good Relations with the Population was held in Kajaani, Finland

IRU delegate from Finland Ramona Grönstrand informed us that on May 28-29, 2024, the Forum for Good Relations with the Population was held in Kajaani.

In 2023, the project Good relations with the population started in cooperation with the Uusimaa ELY Center and the Ministry of Justice. The project is part of the action program of the Ministry of Labor and Economy for the guidance and integration of refugees in the municipalities. The event was attended by more than 200 professionals from various fields, such as state administration, social areas, municipalities, organizations and religious communities. Several entrepreneurs were also involved.

The forum offered an excellent opportunity for networking and exchanging information about the measures implemented at different levels. Discussions included dismantling discriminatory structures, promoting non-discrimination in working life, raising awareness of racism, strengthening inclusion and interaction, and improving feelings of safety. In addition, the subject was examined from a historical perspective and the development of research.

On the second day of the forum, we heard inspiring examples from different parts of Finland about how good relations with the population can be promoted. This reminds us all that good relations with the population are not created only by programs and strategies, but by the contribution of each one of us. Addressing racism, creating safe spaces, talking to strangers and being open are all important factors.

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