On Mother Language Day: A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" from Skopje and IRU, for the protection and study of the Romani language

As part of the celebration of February 21 - International Mother Language Day, on February 20, 2024, the Faculty of Philology "Blaje Koneski" - Skopje, part of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" through its dean Prof. Dr. Vladimir Martinovski and the International Roma Union - IRU, represented by its president Zoran Dimov, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, the purpose of which is to establish and build open business cooperation between the Faculty and the Union and determine the forms and methods of mutual cooperation with the aim of mutual support and contribution to the performance of the activities of the contracting parties, assistance and support to the teaching staff in the realization of the teaching of the Romani language and intensification of the development of the teaching and study of the Romani language in the Republic of North Macedonia. Thanks to this agreement, students from the Faculty will be able to train through translation activities related to the preparation of the XII Congress of the International Roma Union - IRU, which will be held in Skopje from April 3 to 6, 2024.

Also, through this memorandum, a new page is opened and an update on the opening of the Department for the study of Romkit language and culture for future students


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