Zoran Dimov, as president on behalf of the IRU, condemns the statement of the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, and at the same time welcomes the quick reaction and opposition of the Roma MPs in the Slovak Parliament.

The recent statement of the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who at the summit in Davos, called the Roma from Slovakia "Gypsies" and discredited them in the form of "non-workers", IRU President Zoran Dimov on behalf of his organization reacts to this xenophobic way of expression by of a prime minister of a country, and at the same time welcomes the courage and at the same time the determination of the Roma deputies in the Slovak parliament, which counts a group of six deputies. He considers this act of the Roma MPs as an act of courage and an example for other Roma MPs and for other countries to react when some high state officials dare to unjustifiably and unarguedly discriminate against the Roma community.

In this way, the Roma representatives in the state institutions demonstrate in the true sense of the word that they stand firmly to defend the interests of their brothers and are against any kind of discrimination and racism, says the reaction of the president of IRU Zoran Dimov.

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