At the 12th IRU Congress the main slogan is: "New beginning, New voice, New vision - Today's youth for a brighter tomorrow"

At the 12th Congress of the IRU, which will be held from April 3 to 6, 2024, among other things, the focus will be on Young Roma.

In that context, the International Roma Union IRU encourages and motivates young and progressive Roma to approach IRU. That's why the IRU slogan for the 12th Congress is "New Beginning, New Voice, New Vision - Today's Youth for a Brighter Tomorrow"

Otherwise, the IRU, with its activity from the very beginning of its operation 53 years ago until now, is directed in its activity to protect the Roma around the world from all negative phenomena in all forms of discrimination, hate speech, segregation, intolerance, violence and genocide. We respect basic human rights, equality between all genders, creating a favorable climate, basic democratic principles of freedom and standard of living. We are in cooperation with international institutions that are committed to their mission.

The presence of over 60 delegates from over 40 countries of the entire world is expected, as well as guest representatives from various countries in the capacity of members of the European Parliament, national members, etc.

IRU campaign:



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