Coordination meeting of IRU President Zoran Dimov with the delegate from Japan Sumi Yusuke and General Secretary Ramush Muarem in preparation for the 12th IRU Congress

As part of the activities of the IRU for the upcoming 12th IRU Congress, which will be held in the period of April 2024, a coordination meeting was held in the IRU office in Skopje between the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov with the delegate from Japan Sumi Yusuke and Secretary General Ramush Muarem. At the meeting, guidelines were agreed upon, as well as unplanned activities in preparation for the organization of the Congress of the IRU, at which there will be the election of a new leadership and a new structure within the ranks of the IRU. These are only the first steps taken for a more transparent and democratic process in the IRU, as well as plans for future action and strengthening of the IRU membership. The following period will be aimed at organizing a call for young, new and more progressive IRU members from all over the world, reviewing the work of all previously inactive IRU delegates and members.

According to this coordination meeting, it follows that an even greater commitment of the existing membership and replenishment with new blood and new additional directions of action is needed.


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